
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

I think this blog should really be called "Here we go again" but keep reading and you'll see why I didn't title it that. 
I'm sure most of you don't want to read a long blog that just rambles and never gets to what you are wanting to know so I'll just say it and you can choose to keep reading haha.


When did find out?? On Valentine's Day...it was the best Valentines day that we have had! We got to celebrate our love, having our sweet little Hutch AND having another little love. We are so thrilled to announce this fun news and can't wait to share more with you. 

We don't know much right now other than...I'm pregnant. We went to the doctor today hoping for a sonogram but didn't get that. I just got pricked with a needle and had some blood taken (I'm used to this by now). We do have a sono scheduled for next week so we will have more details then.

I know you're probably thinking "already??" but if you know us then you know that this is not very surprising. We want a large family and want our children to be close in age. So by the time this sweet baby joins us Hutch will be about one and a half years old. Pretty good age gap in our eyes. 

Now, last time we found out we were pregnant we also found out we were moving...
Stay tuned, you never know what God has in store for our little family. 

Here are some pictures of our very fun Valentine's Day.


Ashley Elizabeth! said...

Congrats sweet family! It is exciting to see the changes and additions your family has had in the last few years! You are a special family to us and will always treasure our friendship!

Nick and Natalie said...

Ok well yes I thought your were having a fab Stella dot valentines! Which your hubs did so good on!!! And thanks for the ad! But HOLY cow I am so jealous. I want to be with you maybe I will be just a few behind just like last time! We r getting there. Now I need the boy and you need the girl!!! Congrats you guys on the perfect family! Can't wait to follow the journey again!!!! Xoxox