Hutch Irvin is 16 weeks today! I say this every time but he is such a sweet baby too. This past weekend was our nephew Brenden's 2nd birthday party! It was at the Tech leisure pool...and it was fantastic. I wasn't to keen on the idea of getting into a swimsuit 3 months after having a baby but it was well worth it! Hutch and daddy had fun too!

Check out that handsome boy in his new trunks!
Auntie Ray had to take a break and feed him...with the birthday hat on!
And of course he had to tell Papa and Meme all about his first swimming experience...
Let's see, what's new with Hutch? Well, we were able to make the 3.5 hour drive to Lubbock without stopping...and we were able to do the same coming home! He still hasn't rolled over...but I just know it will happen soon. He is going 11-12 hours between his last night feeding and his morning feeding...most mornings I get up before him. *See the video below to see what I get to wake up to* He LOVES to talk and he loves it when you talk back to him! He has a new jumper that he has a chicken and boy are they friends hehe. He is wearing 3-6 month outfits...sometimes 9 month outfits. He's in size 3 diapers...which is big...I want him to still be in NB. I think he will sing because anytime I sing to him he "sings" back :) and let's face it...I sing to him a lot. He should be able to sing Colbie Caillat, Dave Barnes and many others by the time he is actually talking. We are headed to Dallas this weekend so expect more pictures and posts soon!
OH and here is a sweet picture of Hutch's future wife Charli...haha just kidding but seriously how precious is this?? Charli is 4 weeks old now and the baby girl to our dear friends Jeff and Ashley. Cute side note...Jeff and Ashley have a 3 year old boy "Nicko". Well Ashley and I were sitting at the table feeding Hutch and Charli, and burping and hugging on them, when we notice Nicko walk in the room with a baby doll. We kept watching him and he was loving on the baby doll just like we were loving on our sweet babies. It warmed my heart. Charli has a great big brother!!